Wait Listing Seats for a Patron

When patrons want to select seats that have already been chosen by another patron, you will need to create a wait list for the seats. Then, when the original patron releases those seats, they are available to the next patron on the wait list.

To start, here is a picture of the color coding on the graphic venue map when selecting a patron's Favorite Seats.

  • Seats with a red background are those the currently selected patron has set as their Favorite Seats.
  • Seats with a blue background are those another patron has selected as their Favorite Seats.
  • Seats with a yellow background are those which are currently selected but not assigned to a patron yet.

To start, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Subscription button in the Main Theatre Manager toolbar / ribbon bar.

    The Manage Favorite Seats window opens.

    For more information on the Manage Favorite Seats window click here.

  2. In the upper left corner of the window, select the season from the Package drop down.

  3. Select the performance from the Performance List to the left of the Manage Favorite Seats window.

    For more information on the Package and Performance list area click here.

  4. Find the patron in the Patron List

    This is found in the lower left corner of the Manage Favorite Seats window.

    For more information on the Patron List area click here.

  5. Single click on the patron, and choose the desired seats - currently being held by another patron.

  6. Click the Add Seat button.

    The Wait List warning message opens.

  7. Click the Secondary button.

    The seats will be added to the Seat List area.

    If the Primary button is selected, you will give the selected seats to the patron instead of being wait listed. The seats will be listed as Primary in their Season Package. The patron who previously held the seats will be moved down in priority and be added to the wait list.

    For more information on the Seat List area click here.

  8. The patron is now on the Wait List for the desired seats. All patrons who are currently on the wait list can be seen in the Wail List area of the Manage Favorite Seats window located in the lower right corner. For more information on making a patron the primary on a set of seats, click here.