When payment has not been received for goods or services, the balance is recorded under Accounts Receivable.
The confirmation window opens.
The unposted sales are added to the A/R Balance in the General Ledger and balance with the Patron A/R.
The upper right hand corner of the End of Day wizard should still be zero. If it is not, click here for more information on finding the problem.
A variety of reports can be printed based on the new General Ledger entries by using the Reports Tab. For more information on printing reports, click here.
You are presented with a message, similar to the one below, indicates the amount of the imbalance and asks if you want to create a balancing entry against the cash over/under account.
Before continuing, please make sure you have done all steps to determine the source of a possible imbalance BEFORE using the 'Force A/R Balance' function. If you cannot "find" your error, please contact the support team prior to completing this action. Forcing an EOD imbalance and writing it off is a last resort activity and you should have at least tried redoing the end of day and checking order/transaction balances.