General Ledger Entry Detail Window

The General Ledger Entry Detail window is used for creating new G/L entries and examining posted entries.

Parts of the G/L Entry Detail Window

Begins the creation of a new general ledger entry. For more information on creating manual entries, click here.
Saves the general ledger entry.
Duplicates the general ledger entry.
Reverts to the last saved version of the general ledger entry.
Deletes the general ledger entry.
Prints a copy of the general ledger entry.
Checks the spelling of all text entry fields.
Reverses or unposts the currently selected entry. For more information on using the Unpost function, click here.
Exports the detail of the selected entry. For more information on using the Export G/L function, click here.
Convert to Historical Entry May be used one time only if the Year End Rollover created and End Of Day imbalance
G/L Entry Date The date the entry was created.
A mini-calendar for the purpose of date lookup.
Journal # The journal entry number for the general ledger entry.
Description A short description of the entry.
Note A more detailed description of the entry.
Date Posted The date the entry was posted to the general ledger.
# Transactions The number of transactions included in the entry.
Source The source of the entry.
The G/L Detail tab is used for adding the debits and credits to the different general ledger accounts. For more information on the G/L Detail tab, click here.
The Transactions tab is used to see all transactions that are incorporated into the entry. For more information on the Transactions tab, click here.

G/L Entry Tab

You use the General Ledger Entry Detail window for creating new G/L entries and examining posted entries.

Parts of the G/L Entry Detail Window's G/L Detail Tab

The Transactions tab is used to see all transactions that are incorporated into the entry. For more information on the Transactions tab, click here.
Account # The account number used in the transaction.
Description A description of the transaction.
Memo The memo associated with the transaction.
Debit The debit amount of the transaction.
Credit The credit amount of the transaction.
Event / Play Code The event / play code associated with the transaction.
Creates a new G/L transaction.
Opens the selected G/L transaction.
Deletes the selected G/L transaction.

Entry Detail - Transactions Tab

The General Ledger Entry Detail window is used for examining posted entries.

Parts of the G/L Entry Detail Transaction Tab

The G/L Detail tab is used for adding the debits and credits to the different general ledger accounts. For more information on the G/L Detail tab, click here.
Begins a search of the transactions.
Include The types of transactions to include. To remove a type from the search, uncheck the box next to the item.
Seq # The sequence number of the transaction.
Trans Date The date of the transaction.
Journal No The journal number of the transaction.
Code The transaction code associated with the transaction.
Transaction Desc A description of the transaction.
Order # The order number associated with the transaction.
Event / Play The event / play associated with the transaction.
Performance The performance associated with the transaction.
Type The type of transaction.
Description of Entry A description associated with the entry of the transaction.
This function is not available in this window.
Opens the Transaction Detail window.
This function is not available in this window.