Edit tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19

The instructions assume you have downloaded the latest pages so you can customize them. Please download if you have not done so.
  1. Find the file called tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19.html in the sample web site tmFee folder
  2. Copy it to your web site tmFee folder
  3. This file has sample wording in it about covid 19 policies
  4. Find the code in yellow and DELETE it from your web page
  5. Make any wording changes you might need to make to suit your Province or State's specific rules
  6. Save the File
<!-- comment: remove this line and the last line to add a covid 19 policy and then change wording as appropriate
Covid 19 Policy
<div class="alert alert-warning fade in">
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmMessageDismiss.html" -->
British Columbia
requires proof of vaccination
to attend all indoor events that occur
on or after September 13, 3021
Proof of vaccination will be verified at the door.
We are required by the Government to deny entry to anybody without a valid vaccination certificate.
No refunds will be given if you are denied entry.
remove this last line -->