My bank requires the EFT file to be submitted 2 days in advance

During the EOD deposit process, there is a prompt allowing to optionally ‘look for future’ EFT payments to include into the current deposit.

Case example assumptions:

  • July 15 is your set of monthly EFT submissions.
  • July 13 is today’s date.

By default, the EFT date will also be the current date (ie. July 13).

On July 13th or whenever you choose to during the month, you can set the EFT Payment date to be July 15. The deposit process will then include the July 15 EFT payments into the current deposit. It will ignore any other future dated payments (i.e. Cheque, Visa, MasterCard). After the future dated EFT’s have been deposited, you'll be able to create your EFT file for the minimum 2 business days in advance requirement.
