Character Field Conditions

is between The parameters for the field are between to sets of factors.
is greater than or equal to The parameters for the field are greater than or equal to these factors.
is greater than The parameters for the field are greater than this factor.
is less than or equal to The parameters for the field are less than or equal to these factors.
is less than The parameters for the field are less than this factor.
does not equal The parameters for the field are not equal to this factor.
is equasl to The parameters for the field are equal to this factor.
contains the text of the parameter is contained anywhere within the field.
does not contain the text of the parameter is not found anywhere within the field.
begins with the text of the parameter is found at the beginning of the field.
ends with the text of the parameter is found at the end of the field.
is one of The parameters for the field is one of this factor.
is none of The parameters for the field is none of this factor. Remember that the NOT operator paired with this condition will create a double negative.
is empty The field is empty - containing no characters at all
is not empty The field is not empty - meaning it contains anything