You can select specific columns by adding only= to the parameter line. The names of the fields for the particular endpoint must be known and these can be determined by looking at the columns returned for a particular record or page of records.
Each column you want to see in your output is separated with a + (plus sign)
If you wish, you can rename the columns from the Theatre Manager standard names by adding an alias. This is done by adding a : and your alias name after specifying the column in the URL. You can use this feature if you want a different name when transporting the data to another service. renames to patno on output
using a compound query q=contact.type_id:2+contact.date_updated:>='2016-01-01'
looking for email addresses where it was the email address that was updated after jan 1, 2016 since it is looking for when the contact.date_updated changed.