DonorSearch Results Second Tier

Second Tier displays the important information about the donor.

Parts of the Second Tier Tab

Gift Matches Count Number of unique positive matches to outside giving history found for the record. This quantity does not include "maybe" donations.
Gift Matches Total The dollar amount of all positive matches to outside giving history found for the record. This total does not include "maybe" donations.
Foundation Board Identifies whether the prospect is on the board of a foundation. M = maybe, Y = yes, and a Blank = no data match found.
GuideStar Board Indicates whether the prospect is on the board of a grant-seeking foundation.
Political Total Count Number of federal and state political gifts found (note that not all states report political giving).
Political Total Total amount of political giving found; Maybe indicates gifts that may not be tied to that donor. This is a strong philanthropy indicator: 15K in 15 political gifts typically indicates a 5-7 figure charitable gift elsewhere.
Business Revenue Dollar value of revenues at a Dun & Bradstreet firm at which the prospect is an executive-level employee. These revenues are reported by the company or estimated by Dun & Bradstreet, and thus may be distorted.
SEC Stock Value Dollar value of any SEC reported stock options.
SEC Stock Insider Identifies whether the prospect has stock options related to being a company insider or high-ranking employee who must report stock transactions to the SEC. Y = Yes, M = Maybe, Blank = no data match found.
Market Guide Identifies whether the prospect has been matched to the Reuters Market Guide database on company insiders. M = Maybe, Y = Yes, and Blank = no data match found.