Merging Patrons into One Household

Theatre Manager is designed to keep all information about a patron on one record. You can merge patrons into the same household. To merge two patrons into the same household, you perfrom the following steps:

  1. Open the Patron List and find the patrons to be merged into the same household.
  2. Highlight the patrons to be merged and click the Merge button.

  3. Click Into Common Household.

    The Combine Patrons into a Single Household window opens.

  4. Select the Patron to be the Primary Patron you would like all of the other patrons to be merged into.
  5. Click the Merge button.

    The Merge Records confirmation dialog opens.

  6. Confirm you indeed want to combine the patrons into a single houslehold by clicking the Combine button.

    The two patrons are combined into the same household.
