If a patron indicates that they would like their credit card charged in monthly installments to pay off a donation, you can set up
donation pledge payments and Theatre Manager will automatically place those payments in the End Of Day on the proper dates for the proper amounts.
Sometimes, issues may arise if the payments stretch over a long time. If the:
- customer's card number is changed by the bank, you can change all future payments en masse
- patron wants you to substitute a different card for some or all future payments, use the link above
- expiry date changes, you can use the above process, or you can simply find the card in the patrons account and change the expiry date.
- credit card gets declined in end of day, then remove it from the deposit for a few days.. You might do this is the patron says the card is still valid and they need to put money on it,
- the actual payment dates and schedule need changing, you will need to: