2 Weeks Prior
New Hardware Setup
- Have any new computer workstations or servers setup, configured, and tested for network connections.
- Installation of all Operating System Updates and Patches on:
- Theatre Manager's Database Server (if it is new)
- Apache Web Listener (if it is new)
- Theatre Manager Web Listener workstation(s) (if it is new)
- All new workstations that you intend to have Theatre Manager installed on.
- At minimum, configuration of software based firewalls to allow the required TCP/IP Ports (5432, 6181) for the Workstation Ports
Upgrade Theatre Manager
- When providing training, we find it best to be training on the most recent version of Theatre Manager. Please visit our Upgrading Theatre Manager help page to review the steps involved.
- With an onsite upgrade by the trainer, in most cases it is best to have it completed prior to the Training Topics being covered. Depending on your current version of Theatre Manager, it may take 4+ hours (or longer) to complete the upgrade. These 4+ hours would result in a loss of time allocated for actual training.
- If you decide to have Theatre Manager upgraded while the trainer is onsite, inform Arts Management immediately. This will allow us to determine the best time allocation within the training schedule to complete the process. Depending on your current version of Theatre Manager, Arts Management will need to schedule resources to complete the task before the Onsite Trainer arrives.
- It is our recommendation to have Theatre Manager Upgraded to the most recent version of Theatre Manager before the Onsite Trainer arrives.