Other Chart Functionality

There are a vriety of different things you can do to make the Gantt Chart work for you and your organization's projects. These are:
Reading the Chart

To the left of each Task is displayed the Owner and the length of the task in Days, Hours, Minute (#d#h) format.

On top of each task bar is the description of the task.

Groups are indicated a a bar with angled ends spanning all of the tasks in the group in the Treelist.

Changing Colours

Different tasks can be given different colours. These can be changed using the Gantt chart context menus. Click here for more information.
Suspending Tasks

In one of the tasks you can see a gap in the middle of the task bar. This represents a suspension in the task... a time during which no work can be done on it. Click here to go to the Task Suspensions portion of the documentation. At this time, you can only have a single suspension in a given task. If you need more than this, break the task down into multiple tasks.
Task Relationships

You can also use arrows to connect tasks. These arrows indocate a replationship between the tasks.

Tasks can have the following relationships:

  • Start-to-Start
  • Finish-to-Finish
  • Finish-to-start

Click here for more information on how to set up relationships between tasks.

Detail Subwindow

If you click on a task, the detail area will open at the bottom of the window where you can edit information about the task. Click here for more information on the Detail Sub-window.

To Close the Detail Sub-window, click the Normal button in the Projects Toolbar / Ribbon bar.

Create New Task

You can create a task in this window by clicking your mouse button and dragging your cursor across a portion of the calendar where there is no task bar.

When you release the mouse button, a create new task window will open with the dates and times you specified by clicking and dragging.

Click here for information on adding a task.