The Notification window will display any letters or Emails
you have set up for future printing that now need to be sent. Once you have sent them, they will no longer display.
Email Responses Waiting
The detail section shows you how many messages are awaiting pickup in the scheduling Email account. To pick up these messages and process them so that the appropriate task participant records are updated with responses, click the Get Email Responses button. If some messages cannot be processed (they do not contain a valid iCalendar attachment) they will be deleted, so only scheduling responses should be directed to this account. When the responses are picked up, the appropriate task participant records are updated with the information returned. |
Letter to Send
From this detail window you can view the letter detail, see the patron, modify the information, and print the letter. |
Email to Send
From this detail window you can view the Email detail, see the patron, modify the information, and send the Email. |
Multiple Letters or Emails to Send
When multiple letters or Emails are selected, you only have the option of printing or Emailing all the selected items now. |