Export Tab

Parts of the Export Tab

If available, uses the default search criteria for this report.
If this report has previously been run, this button will add the previous criteria.
Opens a list of saved criteria for this report.
Saves the current criteria to be used later.
Saves the current criteria to be used later and opens a dialog to name this criteria.
Available Export Fields A list of fields available to export by. Note that this area has two parts:
  • Above all the fields is a pop-up. in the example, it shows patron data. If you click this, you can select fields from other connected data. For example,
    • If you intend of exporting ticket data, yo can select fields from: tickets, plays, performances, patrons, sales promotions, etc.
    • The files that are available in this list depend on the initial choice of data you are exporting
  • Below the file selection is a list of fields. This changes as you change the file pop-up (above)
Adds the currently selected field to the export field list.
Removes the currently selected field from the export field list.
Export Format A drop down menu allowing for adjustments to the format in which the data is exported.

Column Headers

Database Field Name When selected, the data column headers will be the name of the database field.
Regular Name When selected, the data column headers will be in the standard name of the field.
Returns to the Sort tab.
Cancels that adding of criteria and returns the user to the Report window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the exporting of data, and opens the operating system's save dialog. Click here for more information on Exporting Data from the Report function.