Shopping Cart Detail

The shopping cart detail window shows what was in the patrons shopping cart and allows you do do some specific things for the patron. Each of the tabs is shown in separate sections.

On the main window, most of the fields deal with the status of the cart and its value. There are two other fields of particular interest:

  • Source Tag - which is a convenient way of tying back how people started the shopping cart. This can be used to determine how many people bought from an eblast, or another web site referral -- if the &TMsource=xxx tag is placed on the referring URL.
  • User Browser - is the complete string indicating the browser version, platform and application that was talking to the server. You can tell if somebody used a mobile phone, ticket trove, safari and/or a mac, PC or linux machine to talk to the web listener. Refer to the Lookup Use Agent button below.

The Toolbar works as follows:

  • Help - Provides help
  • Delete - allows a cart with no detail to be deleted
  • Print - print some of the lists from the cart
  • Customer - if the patron signed in, this will open the patron record for a complete view of the patron. If it is an anonymous cart, you cannot view the patron
  • Order - if the patron went through the checkout process, then the cart will be tied to an order. The shopping cart window shows what they wanted to buy - clicking on the 'Order' will open up the order and let you change what they actually bought.
  • Checkout - serves two functions, depending on the state of the cart.
  • Lookup User Agent - this will
    • copy the user agent string to the clipboard automatically for you
    • Open a web site that analyzes what a user string means
    • paste in the user string
    • Click 'Analyze' and that will interpret what the user string is for you (you can see a sample in the image below).

Web Cart Ticket Tab

This window shows the tickets that the patron added to the cart. It also compares the tickets in the cart with those that the patron currently owns. The list will show status messages that are like some of the following:
  • Ticket purchased successfully - which means the person wanted that ticket and still has it
  • Hold expires on xxxx and is for patron - which means that the patron wanted the ticket and has it in their cart but has either not checked out yet, or abandoned the cart, or has checked out and there was a processing issue. In any of those cases, the ticket is on hold for the patron for some period of time
  • Ticket is sold to another patron - means that the ticket in this cart is now owned by somebody else. It could be because the patron abandoned the cart, or the ticket was exchanged at some time in the past
  • Ticket is not sold to anybody - means that the patron wanted the ticket and some time has passed -- and it is neither held nor sold to anybody. it means it is available should the patron call in and want it.
You can use the Checkout to take over a cart and check the patron out.

Web Cart Membership/Pass/GC tab

This shows any passes, gift certificates or passes that the patron added to their shopping cart.

Web Cart Donation Tab

This shows any donations that the patron might have made online (or at least added to the shopping cart).

Web Cart Resource Tab

This shows any resource sales or resource rentals that the patron added to their shopping cart.

Web Cart Fee Tab

This tab shows any fees that were part of the shopping cart

Web Cart Prior Orders

This tab shows any prior orders that were added to the cart and paid for by the patron. A prior order is something that they bought earlier and may not have paid for completely (eg they paid a deposit on a school order, or you booked their subscription for them and they did not pay). They chose to pay the balance of that order online and it appears in this list.
A payment for prior orders online follows the rules of applying a single payment for multiple orders

Example: If the prior order was $10.00, you will see THREE payment transactions as follows:

  1. Credit Card payment for the cart - will be over paid by $10.00 to the credit Card used online. This is the balance owing on the prior order.
  2. CASH Credit to the cart - since the cart is overpaid by $10.00, you will see a CASH refund of $10.00 to the cart to bring it into balance
  3. CASH Debit to the prior order - the credit (above) will result in a second CASH payment applied to the prior order for $10.00

Web Cart Order Notes

This shows any notes that the patron might have added at the checkout step in the web sales process. It also has notes added by TM if the patron calls in and the box office manually checks out the cart on behalf ogofthe patron to indicate what happened.

Web Cart Transactions

If the user checked out with the cart, this will contain all transactions relating to the order that the cart is part of for audit purposes.

Web Cart Log

The log window shows all the activity that the patron did at the web listener - but is restricted to this cart only.

By looking at the cart, you can tell:

  • when they started browsing
  • which events they looked at
  • what seats they added to their cart and the sections they were interested in
  • If they discarded seats
  • other fees, coupons, donations, etc that they placed in their cart
  • when they logged in - if they were browsing anonymously)
  • any issues with checkout such as declined cards
  • any TM errors such as seats not priced properly
  • and more

If you read this log carefully in the comments on the right side of the list (not shown in picture), you can actually tell which buttons that the patron clicked on their web browser and help them along if you are mentoring them through a sale.

As a patron clicks on web pages, you will need to use the 'search' icon on the lower right of list to refresh the current cart log. If the cart is still active and the patron calls you, you can take over the cart and check the cart out out on their behalf.

The most common complaint is card rejection. If a patron
  • checks out successfully, you will see the 6 green messages numbered 1 to 6 as below.
  • Has issues checking out and there are less than 6 of these messages indicating a successful checkout, then you may wish to review reasons why the card was declined.


    It is PCI policy to simply reject the card and not provide the exact reason for rejection - since it gives away possible information regarding stolen cards to miscreants.

Web Cart Letters

The 'letters' tab contains any emails sent as part of the shopping cart experience and they can be viewed by you or resent to the patron by changing the status to 'not done'.

Types of letters generated by TM could include:

  • Forgotten password requests
  • Patron added confirmations
  • Patron changed their personal info confirmations
  • The actual checkout confirmation emailed to the patron