Typically, you only need to click on an item on the tool bar.
However, there may be some reasons why you can't get into Theatre Manager. The other options below are alternative ways to provide remote access.
Note: We may need you to have master user password available in case we need to visit parts of the application you cannot access
This button is found on the right side of the toolbar located across the top of the Theatre Manager window.
It may take a few moments for the ID to populate. If the ID does not populate it may be the network security settings do not allow for communication on port 80 or 5938.
A new email should be avoided when sending the Session ID and Password.
If you use it for free and you use it often, you may get prompted by the software that it thinks you are using it for commercial purposes. Unless you buy a licence (like ArtsMan has), you may see time limited or restricted use. We see this message rarely, but we have seen it.
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Teamviewer is great for remote access and work at home.
However, If you want to set up a remote box office, use a VPN, Remote Desktop, or a locally installed version of TM with a VPN in order to get ticket printing |
If you want to use it for remote access, you will need to:
This can be done by double clicking on the theatre masks icon on the desktop.
It may take a few moments for the ID to populate. If the ID does not populate it may be the network security settings do not allow for communication on port 80 or 5938.
A new email should not be created to send the ID and Password.
It may take a few moments for the ID to populate. If the ID does not populate it may be the network security settings do not allow for communication on port 80 or 5938.
A new email should not be created to send the ID and Password.
It may take a few moments for the ID to populate. If the ID does not populate it may be the network security settings do not allow for communication on port 80 or 5938.
A new email should not be created to send the ID and Password.
It may take a few moments for the ID to populate. If the ID does not populate it may be the network security settings do not allow for communication on port 80 or 5938.
A new email should not be created to send the ID and Password.
For more information on TeamViewer and how it functions please click here.
In order to have full access to TeamViewer, the Mac OS requires certain system preferences to be enabled. These settings ensure the person connecting can see the desktop, move the mouse, and transfer files when needed.