Right Click Context Menus

Both the Treelist and Gantt chart areas have context menus associated with them. Right-click on the appropriate area to see it's context menu.

Treelist Context Menu

Click here for a description of all of the functions of the Treelist Context menu.

Gantt Chart Context Menu

Click here for a description of all of the functions of the Gantt Context menu.

Treelist Context Menu



Hide / Show Toolbar - Toggles the Project window toolbar / ribbon bar

Hide Toolbar / Show Toolbar - Toggles between displaying and hding the Calendar window toolbar.

Hide Text / Show Text - Toggles between showing and hiding the text underneth the icons in the Calendar window toolbar.

Small Icons / Normal Icons - Toggles between showing large or small icons in the Calendar window toolbar

Retore Window Defaults - If you have moved any of the columns or changed the menu set up, Restore Defaults removes all your changes

Set View - Not yet available

New Group Groups are used to assemble tasks together. Click this Item to add a new group.
Add Task Tasks are the activities for your project. Click here for more information on adding tasks.
Edit Task Opens the Task Detail window of the selected task for edititng. Click here for more information on editing tasks.
Delete Task Deletes the selected task.
Remove Task from Project Removes the selected task from the project, but not from the database. You can then add this task to another project.
New Project Opens the new project inserting window. Click here for more information on setting up a new project.
Change Icon Set and Colour Allows you to change the color of the Icon for the selected group or task.
Re-sort Group Order Re-sorts in date order, the items in the selected group.
Re-sort Project Order Re-sorts all items in the project, in date order within their groups
Change Date Change date lets you change the date within the Gantt chart. Choices are:
  • Start of Project
  • Today
  • End of Project
  • To Project marker - project markers will be listed in a submenu
  • To Start Date of Currently Selected Task

Gantt Context Menu

The right click context menu provides shortcuts to the most used tasks you perform in the Gantt Chart.

To view a description of all of the functions of the left side of the window - Tree List context menu - click here.


Hide / Show Toolbar - Toggles the Project window toolbar / ribbon bar

Hide Toolbar / Show Toolbar - Toggles between displaying and hding the Calendar window toolbar.

Hide Text / Show Text - Toggles between showing and hiding the text underneth the icons in the Calendar window toolbar.

Small Icons / Normal Icons - Toggles between showing large or small icons in the Calendar window toolbar

Retore Window Defaults - If you have moved any of the columns or changed the menu set up, Restore Defaults removes all your changes

Set View - Not yet available

Add Task Tasks are the activities for your project. Click here for more information on adding tasks
Edit Task Opens the Task Detail window of the selected task for edititng.
Delete Task Deletes the selected task.
Remove Task from Project Removes the selected task from the project but not from the database. You can then add this task to another project.
Colour Allows you to change the color of the Icon for this group or task
Show / Hide Detail Hiding the detail is the same as clicking on the Normal window icon on the toolbar and hides the detail task window below the treelist and Gantt chart.
Split Mode Split mode is the same as clicking on the Split icon on the toolbar and changes the cursor to Split mode. When in Split mode, click on a task to create a suspension at that point. Click here for more information on adding suspensions.
Edit Project Marker Ribbons

Displays a list of the current project markers, or checkpoint ribbons. These ribbons display a vertical ribbon on the Gantt chart at a given date/time and in a colour of your choosing. From the list you can add, open, duplicate, or delete a ribbon. Click here for more information on Project Marker Ribbons.

Change Date Change date lets you change the date within the Gantt chart. Choices are:
  • Start of Project
  • Today
  • End of Project
  • To Project marker - project markers will be listed in a submenu
  • To Start Date of Currently Selected Task

Project Markers

You can move to the Start of Project, Today, End of Project, To Project marker (project markers will be listed in a submenu), or To Start Date of Currently Selected Task.

You can also Edit Project Marker Ribbons. This displays a list of the current project markers, or checkpoint ribbons. These ribbons display a vertical ribbon on the Gantt chart at a given date/time and in a colour of your choosing. From the list you can add, open, duplicate, or delete a ribbon.

When you add or open a ribbon, the detail screen opens where you can enter a description and date (both required) and select a colour and width for the ribbon.

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