Edits Tab

The Edits tab contains patron data management information for Theatre Manager.

Data Editing

"Unknown" Phone Number
The phone number which can be used if there is no patron phone number. This number will be ignored when checking for multiple patrons.
First Name Connector
The connector which will be used to join first and last names in reports and letters.
Greeting Name Preference
The greeting preference used when sending material to patrons.

Auto Capitalize
Controls Theatre Manager's ability to set mixed case letters during entry and reduces the necessity to use the shift key. Several methods can be chosen to control this process.

Never Capitalize - Removes this option by always accepting exactly what is entered.

First Time - Capitalizes the first letter of data entered into a field the first time it is entered. When the field is edited, the changes will be saved as entered.

Mac: Except for <Option> <Tab> - Capitalizes the first letter of any word entered into a field unless the <Option> key is held down when <Tab> is used to move into the next field. When the <Option> key is depressed, and <Tab> is used to move to the next field, the data is recorded as entered.

Windows: Except for <CTRL> Click - Capatilizes the first letter of any word entered into the field unless the <CTRL> key is held down and clicking is used to move into the next field. When the <CTRL> key is depressed, and the click is used to move to the next field, the data is recorded as entered.

Always Capitalize - Capitalizes the first letter of any word entered into a field.

Disable Postal Code Edits
If selected, the program will not validate a Countries Postal/Zip code requirements.


Canadian Format : xxx xxx

American Format: xxxxx or xxxxx-xxxx

New Zealand Format: xxxx

Disable Telephone Number Edit
If selected, the program will not validate a countries telephone number requirements.


Canadian/American Format: (xxx) xxx - xxxx

New Zealand Format: 0800 xx xx xx or 021 xxx xxxx or 025 xxx xxx or 0Y xxx xxxx where Y is a number between 3 and 9.

Email Address Domain Verification

E-mail addresses will not be verified when entered into Theatre Manager.
Internet Only
E-mail addresses will be verified when entered through web sales.
E-mail addresses will always be verified when entered into Theatre Manager. This can slow down data entry but is the most accurate.