Note Tab

The Notes Tab allows you to select specific donors and event / plays and enter Notes about the selected donation.

Parts of the Notes Tab

Donor #1 (pop-up) A customizable pop-up field edited through the code tables. This pop-up can be made a mandatory field in Company Preferences.
Donor #2 (pop-up) A customizable pop-up field edited through the code tables. This pop-up can be made a mandatory field in Company Preferences.
Donor #3 (pop-up) A customizable pop-up field edited through the code tables. This pop-up can be made a mandatory field in Company Preferences.
Donor #4 (char) A customizable character field. This field can be made a mandatory in Company Preferences.
Donor #5 (flag) A customizable Check Box.
Donor #6 (flag) A customizable Check Box.
Donor #7 (flag) A customizable Check Box.
Play Allows you to attach a play to this donation. Use the Event / Play Lookup button to choose from a list of events / plays.
Donation Notes Any addition notes to be added to the donation. If the donation was a matching gift, notes to that effect will be automatically placed here.

If any of the customized fields are made mandatory, you will need to edit the TMdonation.html web page in order to successfully accept donations online.
