Employee Prefs: Spell Checker

Parts of the Spell Checker Tab

Ignore Options

Ignore capitalized words Ignores capitalized words found in mid sentence. An example may be a day of the week or a country.
Ignore all-caps words Ignores words completely capitalized. An example may be a radio station or acronym.

Ignore words with numbers

Ignores words that contain both letters and numbers. An example may be an event code.
Ignore words with mixed case Ignores mixed case words. An example may be ArtsMan.
Ignore domain names Ignores domain names for email or web sites. Often domain names are a combination of words that run together. An example would be artsman.com

Suggest / Report Options

Report doubled words Detects same words typed side by side. An example would be the the.
Case sensitive Locates words that should be capitalized but are not. An example would be canada.
Phonetic suggestions Displays word suggestions that sound like the miss spelt word. Either phonetic suggestions or typographical suggestions must be selected in order for spell check to provide suggestions.
Typographical suggestions Displays word suggestions that appear similar to the miss spelt word. Either phonetic suggestions or typographical suggestions must be selected in order for spell check to provide suggestions.
Suggest split words Displays suggestions for words that appear to run together.
Auto correct Detects words within the selected dictionary marked as Auto Change and correct them without prompting. An example may be teh changing to the.


Select a language to spell check in. Choices are American English, British English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.


Fast but less accurate A fast scan of the source document which may provide less accurate spell check results.
Moderately fast and accurate A quick scan of the source document which moderate accuracy.
Slow but very accurate A slow, accurate scan of the source document.

Dictionaries and Glossary

When ignore all is selected during spell check the words are stored for future reference. Clear ignores removes these words from the stored reference.
Edit the spell check dictionary. Exclude, Ignore, Conditionally Changes and Auto Changes can be adjusted in the dictionary.
Abbreviations enter any short forms and what you would like them expanded to. These short forms work in most fields and can be used to quickly replace the text you type with a more prosaic version.

There are some standard (built in) short forms like:

  • xDay - the day of the week in full format like 'Monday'
  • xDate - the current date in full format like 'June 12, 2019
  • xTime - the current time in 12 hour format with am/pm
  • xNow - the current date/time in timestamp format. eg. yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS

so you could type a short form like xNow NSF and it would expand to 2019-08-20 6:28 am Not So Fast using both the standard abbreviation and one you created for yourself.
