DonorSearch API Key

The DonorSearch API Key is a unique identifier used with all transactions between DonorSearch and Theatre Manager. It acts as the place holder for a "Username" and "Password" that the end user would enter into the DonorSearch Web Portal directly if not accessing the data via Theatre Manager.

This process will return the API Key. You will only be able to return the API Key once. After an API Key is created for your account, it is not retrievable this way again. Attempting to run this same process will report "Error". There are two reasons for the "Error" message will occur:

  1. The username and password are an invalid combination.
  2. The API Key has already been generated.

If this message occurs please reach out to your DonorSearch contact after ensuring you have entered the appropriate required fields.

If you have previously generated your API Key and know exactly what the API Key is, you can enter it directly into the API Key field.

Retrieving API Key

  1. Use the Setup menu and clicking on Company/Outlet Preferences.
  2. Click the Donation tab.
  3. Click the DonorSearch API Settings button.

    The DonorSearch API Setup window opens.

    Username The account name provided by DonorSearch to access your organization's account.
    Password The password provided by DonorSearch to access your organization's account.
    API Key DonorSearch's unique identifier used with all transactions between the DonorSearch API and other outside parties.
  4. Enter the "Username" provided by DonorSearch for your account setup.
  5. Enter the "Password" provided by DonorSearch for your account setup.
  6. Click the Get API Key button.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Save in the window toolbar.

The DonorSearch API Key has now been updated and saved within Theatre Manager.

Theatre Manager provides an interface directly to DonorSearch. Accessing DonorSearch's wealth of information and analytic analysis of potential donor profiles requires an account be set up and maintained directly with DonorSearch. To contact DonorSearch about your prospect research needs, please contact Annette Zakuto at or call 401-988-4978 or visit their website at for further information.
