List Window

Parts of the City / Postal Code Lookup Window

Postal Code / Zip Code
The range of the postal / zip codes that apply to the location.
The city with which the range is associated.
The range of the Counties (US) which apply to the location.
Province / State
The province / state with which the range is associated.
Country of the entry as it appears in the Country table of Theatre Manager.
Area Code
Telephone area code for the entry.
Time Zone
Time zone the entry falls in.
Inserts a new lookup value. Click here for more information on adding new values to the table.
Opens an existing code value for editing. Click here for more information on editting the selected value.
Duplicates the selected value.
Deleted the selected value. Click here for more information on deleting the selected value
Imports a list of pre-defined codes. Click here for more information on how to import a list of predefined codes.
Exports the lookup list. Click here for more information on exporting the lookup list.
The Verify button, checks that the latitude and longitude for full addresses in Canada and the US is set correctly.