Donor Program Insert - Giving Level with $$$

The Donor Program Insert - Giving Level with $$$ can be found under the Donation Reports & Receipts category. The criteria panels for this report contain additional options. Below the image are notes to help you in using the report.

Make sure to set summarization options in the Insert Summary tab to aggregate all donations by donor, household etv before creating the PlayBill
Once this report is printed to screen, its is helpful to Copy/Paste it to MS-Word (or similar tool). Then all you need do is reformat the pasted text in the way you like your playbill to look by:
  • changing some text to bold,
  • Adjusting fonts and font sizes
  • making multiple columns -and/or-
  • adding blank lines where appropriate
When copying this report to word, you may wish to avoid selecting the column with the donation totals - it is for referenced only.

Click here for information on generating a report.

Purpose of the Report

This report creates a listing of patrons in each giving level of a matrix that can be used as a front of house program insert. It also includes the dollar totals for the patron.

Departments Who Benefit From This Report

Development Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each fiscal year and assist with projecting future donations.
General Manager Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each fiscal year and assist with projecting future donations.
Marketing Used to prepare the Playbill insert for Donor recognition.

Criteria Hints

It is recommended that this report be run without criteria or using a specific campaign or date range.

Parameter Field Condition Value
Campaign # is one of Choose your Campaign
Donation Date is between Choose your Dates