Once you are logged into the online account setup, select Admin->Hosted Checkout config option per the image to the right.
You will see a screen similar to the bottom of the web page that lists all the configurations you have made. You can have many of them, and all you need to do is enter the Checkout_ID in Theatre Manager merchant setup to use the one you prefer.
Click OK
Enter in an alias like 'Theatre Manager'
If you see the Checkout_id that you want to change in the list below, you can Edit by clicking the edit button. Then process to the next pages for more information about the setup.
Make sure the options look like the image to the right.
Make sure the options look like the image to the right.
Since that is the case, UNCHECK the enable multi-currency button. that will cause the currency choices to disappear from the the area indicated on the checkout form
If, however, you do want to take some selected currencies (such as USD, or where ever your main customers come from, then CHECK the enable multi-currency button.
If you do that, you will also need to check and uncheck the currencies that you wish to accept.
We understand that all currencies are converted to CAD and so you will receive CAD in your bank account.
Click the Display Supported Cards checkbox to show miniature logos of the cards you accept on your web site.
There are more options that you should make the same as the image to the right.
You MUST select Transaction Type as Purchase