Theatre Manager Server Settings For Motorola Scanners

The Motorola Scanners rely on port 80 to scan tickets. The Theatre Manager Server, by default, elevates all traffic to Port 443. For this reason additional settings need to be added to the Theatre Manager Server through the Director to allow for scanner communication on Port 80.

Q: Why are there specific settings for the Motorola Scanners?

A: The Motorola scanners do not support secure connections to the Theatre Manager Server web server. The process below outlines how to setup an unencrypted side-entry point to the DMZ web server, while still maintaining a secure connection to the primary web server. If you’d like to have end-to-end security then please email for information on the updated, and fully secure, iOS scanners.


  1. On the Web Server computer, open the Theatre Manager Server Director in a browser by visiting

  2. Select the Configure tab.

  3. Check the box for Enable advanced options and click Save at the bottom of the left column. This will open up more tabs within the Director window.

  4. Select the Domain tab at the top of the Director window.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the window and click the Add Another Domain button.
  6. Fill in the following details for the new domain:
    • Check the Enabled box.
    • Check the Enable load balancing box.
    • Check the Enable TLS for load balance addresses box.
    • Enter a Name for this connection. It may be something like Your Venue Scanning.
    • Enter the Domain (or IP). This should be the IP address of the Web Listener.
    • Enter 80 into the Port field.
    No additional information needs to be entered below this.
  7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the right column.

  8. Select the Balancing tab at top of the Director window.

  9. Click the Add Web Address button under right column.
  10. Enter the following details:
    • Set the Address to be the IP address of the Web Listener.
    • Enter 443 in the Port field.
    • Click the Save button at the bottom of the right column.

The Theatre Manager Server is now read to scan tickets using a Motorola Scanner.