Revenue Tab in Courses

This tab displays a detailed summary of the revenue taken in for each course of an event. The Play is broken down into individual course.

Parts of the Revenue Tab

Performance Code This is the code used to track the course by.
Date The date of the course.
Time The time of the course.
# Sold The current number of tickets sold to the course.
# Report The number of tickets being used for reporting.
Price The base price pf the ticket.
Discount The total of all discounts.
Gross Sales The total amount of sales minus all discounts, fees, and taxes.
Ticket Fee 1 Total of all fees categorized to this fee.
Ticket Fee 2 Total of all fees categorized to this fee.
Ticket Fee 3 Total of all fees categorized to this fee.
City Tax The total of all City taxes.
State / PST Tax The total of all State or PST taxes.
Federal / GST Tax The total of all Federal or GST taxes.
Total The total of all money collected during payment. This includes fees and taxes.
Journal No Code If the course has occured, the G/L number that it was posted to.
Performance # The performance number assigned by Theatre Manager based on order inputted.