Patrons who are not booked into the control house or are missing from the season package were not booked using the Season Subscription module. It is possible to manually book a season package just the same as you would book tickets for a patron wishing to see several Performances.
- Refund the manually booked season subscription tickets in the patron record.
Do not refund the payment. Place the balance on the Order On Account.
- Select the Orders tab in the Patron record.
- Locate and double click on the Order with the outstanding balance (in blue).
- Click the
button on the left side of the window.
- Single click on the Season Package in the list.
- Click the
The payment window will open.
- In the Payment Method drop down, select the method of payment, enter the payment details and accept the payment.
The tickets are now a part of the Season Package and have been booked correctly.