The Bambora transaction list lets you view the transactions that have occurred. Normally, you would only want to see those since the last end of day, but you can decide which data you want to view. To alter the search, the top part of the list contains date search range, the ability to limit the number of transactions per page and more. You may also view more detail about a transaction by clicking the credit card icon that is on the same line as the transaction.
The important thing to note is the types of transactions and how Theatre Manager creates them. Specifically:
The Bambora transaction detail contains a lot of information about the payment, most of which is self explanatory. It is accessed by clicking on the 'credit card' icon on the list window.
Theatre Manager currently uses 3 of the reference fields at the bottom of the screen to provide:
At the bottom of the detail window is a table that shows the related transactions.
At the bottom of the transaction detail, there is a table that shows all the related transactions in Bambora. This is probably most pertinent to the original 'PA' transaction. If it has been converted to a 'PAC' transaction, you will see multiple lines as part of the Transaction Detail window that shows all the other transactions that affected this transaction.
Ultimately, all that matters is that you see a blue checkmark beside the PAC transaction, which means it was swept to the bank. In the example below, we see one.
However, we also see a number of other transactions with a red X that are related to the PA. If you see those, it may be because an error caused the EOD process to stop (without finishing in Theatre Manager) and so you re-ran it. Bambora only allows one PAC for each PA. A second PAC gives an 'error' but does not affect the outcome.