
The Volunteers tab displays volunteers for the currently selected task.

Parts of the Volunteers Tab

Click the New button to add a volunteer to the task. Click here for information on adding a volunteer.
Opens the Activity history window for the selected volunteer. Click here for more information on Activity History.
Clicking the Delete button, deletes the selected volunteer history record.
Opens the Volunteer History record for the selected volunteer. Click here for more information on the Volunteer History Window.

In this tab, you can add new or delete volunteers, and view the volunteer record.

With any items in this window, as soon as you leave a field or make a selection the information is saved and the screen is updated.

Add a Volunteer

You can add participants to a task in this window. To do so, you perform the following steps:

  1. In the Volunteers tab, click the New button.

    The Volunteer List window opens.

  2. Choose the volunteer to add to the project task and "drag" and "drop".

With any items in this window, as soon as you leave a field or make a selection the information is saved and the screen is updated.