Adding Items to the Calendar

Items can be added to the calendar in a number of ways.

In any calendar except Month view and the Volunteer Scheduling calendar, you can create a new task by dragging across the time period where you want the task. A task detail window will pop up with your date/time filled in. Depending on which calendar you are doing this in, other fields may be filled in as well.

Items from lists can also be dropped on a calendar when appropriate. Dropping a volunteer onto an empty area of the calendar will create a volunteer history record starting with that time. Dropping a volunteer onto a task will associate the volunteer with that task and use the task starting/ending times as a starting point. Dropping a volunteer onto another volunteer record will ask if you want to replace the volunteer or create a duplicate record using this volunteer; if it is a placeholder volunteer, it will be replaced with the volunteer you dropped. Patrons or employees can also be dropped onto tasks to add them as participants.

You can bring up a list of volunteers, employees, or patrons by clicking on the Show button at the top of the calendar.