Version 9.10

Version 9.10 is a minor feature release.

Upgrade Time

The upgrade time from version 9.08 or 9.09 is short. Upgrading this version requires, at a minimum:

  • Installing TM on a workstation and allowing it to self deploy if you are already at version 9.08 or later. It will self deploy for OSX and FOr Windows Vista and later. Because this has a fix for some XP issues, you will need to manually install on all XP machines.

Key Changes in Version 9.10

The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.09

  1. Revert the installer for windows XP to a prior version to deal with random crashing issues.
  2. Continued improvements to Facility Management

Point Release Version History

Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.

  • 9.10.01 - July 17, 2011
  • 9.10.02 - July 19, 2011
  • 9.10.03 - July 22, 2011
  • 9.10.04 - July 26, 2011
  • 9.10.05 - July 27, 2011 (and Power PC version for OSX)

Web Sales

Facility Management

  • Implement more convenient navigation capabilities from the various project management windows. You can now navigate from most facility management windows to
    • Gantt chart
    • Associated calendar window
    • Project detail window
  • Implement a new feature in the calendar so that the project name and/or the groups in a gantt charge can be shown on a calendar. They will display at the top of the calendar in the multi-day area to show the projects that cover multi-days.
  • Revised the Facility Management icon so that it cannot be confused with the gantt icon in some cases
  • Added a 'type' to the Project detail window to allow classification of projects. These classifications are set up in codetables.
  • Added the capability to search by the owner of a project to find all those for a particular employee
  • Implemented a dual search capabiity on the project list. You could now search by project description and owner name, for example
  • Address problem on calendar where tasks with volunteer/personnel history information were not always shown on the calendar
  • Improved the printing interface if selecting nested groups of tasks to print on a report
  • Add more support for conflict checking on resources and tasks
  • Fix an issue where a document stored by one employee could not be extracted ad accessed by another person on another machine unless the disk was named the same.
  • Add notice to used if they are trying to over commit resources in the future (for those inventory items managed by inventory)
  • Changes to support backorder for rented resources in facility management
  • Address an issue with the built in event filter that prevented some events showing while displaying the calendar in single day mode (9.10.02)
  • Restore the open/closed state of groups when re-opening a project window (9.10.03)
  • Change to a task via the calendar will not ask the user if the volunteer data associated with the record is to also be updated. (9.10.03)
  • Notes on the calendar no longer add an extra carriage return. (9.10.03)
  • Added a feature on the gantt chart to move the gantt charge timeline display to various dates. If you right click on the gantt chart, you can set the timeline on the chart to:
    • beginning of project
    • end of project
    • current date
    • start of selected task
    • Specific project markers that have been set up
  • Enhance resource inventory management to work even if the inventory item being managed is not attached to an order (9.10.05)
  • Fix an issue where duplicating a resource usage could cause inventory tracking issues (9.10.05)


  • Fix a problem where tickets could not be refunded right after an employee just sold them (using refund all) if the tickets were set to 'mark as printed'.

Donation Setup

  • Added a feature to the detail window on donation campaigns to show who has donated to that campaign in the past, as well as show the transactions related to the item. These are in two new tabs on the detail window (9.10.03)
  • Added some reports to the 'print' contextual menu for the list of patrons who donatedmake it easier to get some nicer reports from the selected list of people. As with the all of Theatre Manager, reports printed from contextual menus on a list only show the data within the list to make 'instant reporting' easy. (9.10.03)
  • Added reports to the contextual menus for GL entries and Transactions. (9.10.03)
  • Moved all searching in the tabbed lists on the window to the lower area to be consistent with all of Theatre Manager. (9.10.03)
  • Support editing and paying for existing donations from this list. (9.10.03)
  • Added a report to the donation category that shows a past history of when patrons paid for their donations after the initial pledge. This 'Donation Cash Flow' report can analyze and past donations and will indicate the approximate date when cash was received. Use this to look at current donation receivables to calculate roughly when you might expect future donations to be received. (9.10.04)

Gift Certificates/Passes

  • Added a feature to the detail window on gift certificates/passes to show who has purchased that particular pass in the past, as well as show the transactions related to the item. These are in two tabs on the detail window (9.10.03)
  • Added some reports to the 'print' contextual menu for the list of patrons who bought pass to make it easier to get some nicer reports from the selected list of people. As with the all of Theatre Manager, reports printed from contextual menus on a list only show the data within the list to make 'instant reporting' easy. (9.10.03)
  • Added reports to the contextual menus for GL entries and Transactions. (9.10.03)
  • Moved all searching in the tabbed lists on the window to the lower area to be consistent with all of Theatre Manager. (9.10.03)
  • Support editing and paying for existing passes from this list. (9.10.03)


  • Address a possible SQL error if the same employee tries to log into Theatre Manager at the exact same time.
  • Added shortcut key to get to the exporting data window (9.10.02)
  • Enhance the login window 'email me my password' feature. If you have made 3 or more mistakes on the password, TM will require a password change on next login as an additional security precaution. (9.10.03)
  • Additional edit checks have been added to CVV2/CID entered on the web so that it is mandatory if the venue requires it of the 'web listener' employee. (9.10.03)
  • Fixed an edit check on the CVV2 length so that it allows numbers like 024. (9.10.04)
  • Changed the login process to better handle situations where the user login password did not match their postgres password in the postgres database - TM now updates it. This should prevent issues where some users could not log in if they had been accessing a second training database and changed their password. (9.10.05)

Changes to Web Pages

There are no changes to web pages for this version If you wish the latest references pages, please download the web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages.

Theatre Manager 9.10 released

Ticket Trove - Arts Management Systems Ltd. Version 9.10 has been released for all current users of Version 9. Please refer to the full release notes about version 9.10.

This release is a minor release.

Key Changes in Version 9.10.01 - since 9.07

This key list of accumulated changes since 9.07 are:

  1. The ability to create images within Theatre Manager for the free iPhone app Ticket Trove that can be obtained on the iTunes store. Please refer to the release notes and include a link on your web site for all your patrons.
  2. Added feature to command-click on a sold seat on maps to see other tickets in the same order.
  3. Add support to display seat availability on the web at a per performance basis.
  4. Improve the messages and sales flow when booking subscriptions if there are booking issues
  5. Added support for direct credit card authorization via Moneris in Canada for 'card not present' (USA is possible if sufficient demand). This capability works similarly to Paymentech Orbital and
  6. Added more visual feedback for column sort order in lists.
  7. Ongoing changes to facility management based on customer feedback.