Day 5 Afternoon
For a downloadable checklist of all of Day 5
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Donation Campaigns
- Internal vs. External names
- Edits and Controls of each Campaign
- Statistics
Donation Giving Levels
- Giving Level Matrix Setup
Donation Management
- Introduction to the Donor Marketing Tab
- Entering new donations from the patron window
- Program year versus Fiscal year versus Calendar year
- Matching Gifts & Automatic setup of Matching Gift receivables
- Automatic maintaining of Financial Year for past, current, and future years
- Maintaining Solicitors, and if they received a commission for getting the donation
- Allowing Program Giving Levels to be calculated on donations, soft credits, and/or matching gifts or a combination of them all.
- Customize the donation specific Marketing Fields
- Defaults and customization of Program Names
- Maintaining the next contact date for this patron so the patron can become an annual donor
- Easy maintenance of who your Matching Gift Companies are
- At a glance overview of donor giving history for the past 8 years, averages, maximums, and minimums
Word Processing
- Introduction to the new word processing module
- Designating the file used for the letter data
- Creating a form letter
Form Letter Merging
- Assign a Donation Thank You letter to a Specific Donation
- Print out the Donation Thank You Letter
Advanced Donation Management
- Printing Donation Receipts (Canadian Clients)
- Developing Pledge Payment Schedules
- Assigning Pledge Payment Reminder Letters
- Sending of Payment Reminders
- To-Do’s and Contact Notes
- Allowing multiple Soft Credits per donation
- Easy setting of Relationships between donors
- History tracking of each pledge letter, donation thank you, contact note, and donation tax receipt sent to this patron
- Various security options available that can be defined for each employee to define what they can and cannot do
- Review of the numerous donation detail, summary, giving trends, giving level, reports geared towards telemarketers, board members, development staff, and management.
Finalize Donation Setup
- Final setup of General Ledger if current, future, or past accounts need to be defined
- Final setup of System Tables