Break Time

For a downloadable checklist of all of Break Day
Click Here


  • Approximately occurs between Day 4 and Day 5 and could be the Saturday and Sunday
  • Although the trainer is not onsite, the trainer is actively completing any outstanding setup items needed for your installation along with coordinating the continuation of the data importing process.
  • If there is data importing happening over the break, there will be no live database as the database will be taken offline to complete the data import process. If the database is required to be used during the Break Time to complete outstanding items, please coordinate times with the Data Import Team.
  • Please remember that we may be calling the assigned staff member in case the Data Import Team has questions about the data and requires clarification of the data during the Break Time.

Box Office

  • Go home to relax as there will be more new information during Day 5 to Day 8, but do not forget the information that was covered during Day 1 to Day 4.
  • The box office staff can use this time to catch up on any past work that they are required to do.

Data Importing (Arts Management)

  • Import Historical Tickets
  • Import Volunteer information and any any other data that has been received
  • Complete End-Of-Day Processing for Imported Data