Billing the Secondary Market Reseller

There are a some reports that are useful for managing the receivables from any Secondary Market Reseller. Typically, one would use the Accounts Receivable report to identify who owes you money. You can also use the order detail report that includes tickets and payments as per the picture on the right for a trail of all things in the order.

The invoice report on the patron window will also be helpful. If you:

  • open up the patron record for the Secondary reseller
  • click on the order tab to see all orders in 'red' where the reseller owes you
  • uncheck the 'Include Closed Orders' checkbox at the bottom of the order list to see only the orders where you are owed money -- and then --
  • select all those orders (or the appropriate ones) and click the invoice button, you will see a report like below

Once you see the invoice on the screen, you can click the 'email button to email it to the Secondary Market Reseller, or you can print it as a PDF, or you can print it and then mail it as appropriate.