Search Tab

The Search tab allows you to enter criteria to locate pending ticket invoices needing to be printed from within the database.

Parts of the Print Invoices Search Tab

Exclude Records
These checkboxes provide the opportunity to exclude patrons based on the settings within the Marketing tab on the patron record. For more information on the Marketing tab click here.
Household Options
Use Household Options to indicate which patrons will receive the invoice. Options include:
  • All Patrons. All patrons who match the criteria will receive an invoice.
  • Primary Patrons Only. If anyone within the household matches the criteria, the Primary Patron will receive the Invoice.
  • Non-Primary Patrons Only. In a non-primary patron matches the criteria, they will receive the invoice. Primary Patrons are excluded.
The criteria window
Criteria used to batch print invoices is entered here using the button. For more information on how to add criteria to a report or invoice, click here.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.