Performances Tab

Parts of the Performances Tab

Leaving this list blank will default to the fee being applicable to all performances.
You are limited to about 750 performances which is more than you should need in a year. If you need more than that, either:
  • Remove the performances that are in the past -or-
  • If you want to keep the information which performances the fee applied to, then duplicate the fee and start it anew for the next year.
Exclude Selected Performances When selected, the fee will be excluded from the performances listed.
Apply to Selected Performances When selected, the fee will apply to only the performances listed.
Play The Seq # of the event(s) in the list.
Performance The performance(s) code for the events in the list
Date The date of the performance(s).
Time The time of the performance(s).
Play Title The full title of the event(s)
Year The fiscal year of the play(s)
Theatre Name The name of the theatre that the coupon can be used for.
Opens the performance lookup list window to allow the selection of performances.
Delete the current selected performance from the list.