Scheduling of Vacations

In all Canadian jurisdictions, it is the employer's prerogative to determine when each employee may take an annual vacation, within certain limits laid down by law. First, a vacation must be granted within a specified period after the date on which the employee becomes entitled to it. Second, it is required that employers provide a minimum at least two weeks of notice to their employees before they start their vacation. It is recommended vacation be scheduled at least 4 months in advance to ensure availability within the scheduling calendar. Obviously, such notice is not normally necessary where an employer and an employee agree on a mutually satisfactory vacation starting date.

  • AMS encourages employees to take minimum vacations at 5 days to receive full benefit from the time away from work.
  • Although discouraged, with prior consent under extenuating circumstances, employees may be able to take 1/2 day vacations.
  • AMS will help their employees by allowing them sufficient flexibility to:
    1.    a) break their leave up into shorter periods take vacation at the same time as their spouse.
    2.    b) take annual leave during the summer when children are at home.
    3.    c) This measure enables employees to divide up vacation time in a way that best suits them.
  • AMS has the final say when vacation can be taken.