
The entitlement to vacations and vacation pay are intended to ensure that employees annually have a rest from work without loss of income.

The basic entitlement to annual vacations is as follows:

  1. The employee must be a full time employee;
  2. The employee must have completed at least 6 months of continuous employment.
  3. Vacation can be used after the first year of accumulating time off, unless by prior management permission.
Service Vacation Time Earning Rate
12 months 10 work days 1 1/4 days
5 years 15 work days 1 2/3 days
10 years 20 work days 2 1/12 days
15 years 25 work days 2 1/2 days
20 years 30 work days  

The above entitlements will apply in all cases unless superseded by contracted agreements at point of hire. All such contracted agreements must be reviewed with the Human Resources Department prior to commitment with the new employee.

  • An employee, who has started employment prior to the 15th of the month, will receive full vacation credit for that month.
  • Employees are eligible to take their vacation effective immediately the month it has been allocated to them.
  • Vacations must be taken sometime in the 12 months after the employee becomes entitled to the vacation.
  • For a new employee within their first year of continuous employment, the employee may borrow 1 week (5 days) from their 1st year ahead.
  • Employees may carry over 1 week (5 days) of their current allowed vacation time into the next period, for up to 3 months. All other vacation must be taken in the year earned (unless specific management approval is given) and if not taken, is forfeit. The company believes vacation should be taken each year and does not allow hoarding.
  • Vacations will be given in one unbroken period unless the employee requests to take their vacations in shorter periods. This is permissible so long as those periods are at least one day long.
  • If a mutually acceptable time for the employee's vacation cannot be found, the employer can decide on the time. However, the employee must receive at least two weeks notice in writing of the start date of their vacation. The employee must take their vacation at that time.