Acceptable Use Policy

Recognizing that employees may use Arts Management computers from time to time for non-related Arts Management business; this document outlines Arts Management’s position on the Acceptable Use of Computers Employees need adhere to during the performance of their duties.


Acceptable Use Policy

It is Arts Management Systems policy that Employees:

  • Adhere to safe computing practices when using the Intranet, Internet, Email, IM, FTP, web and other related communication tools;
  • Use their company computer for work related to Arts Management Systems in performance of their duties;
  • Obtain specific approval for non-work related uses or for an exception to any item mentioned in this policy; and
  • Prevent others from contravening the Acceptable Use Policy.



  • Arts Management Systems hereinafter called “AMS”.
  • AMS spends considerable resources to implement and maintain a corporate network of computers, routers, telephony, VPNs, data services, corporate information, and application portfolio’s (hereinafter called “assets”) for the benefit of the company and its employees. It is the intent of the company to safeguard those assets and ensure that the company adheres to copyright and fair trade practice.
  • AMS employees are encouraged to take full advantage of this network (Intranet), including the Internet access to the World Wide Web, subscription-based information resources, newsgroups, list-servs, bulletin boards, threaded discussions, Telnet and FTP resources to maintain a knowledge base suitable for the successful performance of their duties.


Revision History

  • March 2006

Personal Responsibility

  • It is the responsibility of the employee to take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the conditions set out in this document, and to ensure that only acceptable use of AMS computers and related communication occurs.
  • The employee is responsible at all times for the proper use of any computer(s) and other related equipment provided to the employee by AMS.
  • The employee is responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company by following the acceptable use policies.
  • The employee is responsible for safeguarding any assets of our customers while connected to their networks.


  • Compliance is required from all AMS employees and/or affiliated individuals that connect to any AMS network behind the corporate firewall and to the Internet.
  • AMS employees are responsible for any guest access to the network and their respective compliance.

Unacceptable Use

It is often easier to understand acceptable use by identifying inappropriate use. The following list, while not exhaustive, exemplifies some unacceptable uses:

Creation or Transmission

  • The creation or transmission of any material in violation of any local, provincial, state, or federal law. We must be cognizant that we deal with customers around the world and that laws may vary from one jurisdiction to another.
  • The creation or transmission of material, which is designed or likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.
  • The creation or transmission of defamatory material.
  • The creation or transmission of material protected by trade secrets or privacy laws.
  • The transmission of purchased software that would contravene any license agreements imposed on AMS by our Vendors.
  • The creation or transmission of any offensive, obscene or indecent images, data or other material, or any data capable of being resolved into obscene or indecent images or material.


      • The use of profanity, obscenity or other language that may be offensive to another user.
      • Repeated, unsolicited and/or unwanted communication of an intrusive nature is strictly prohibited. Continuing to send e-mail messages or other communications to an individual or organization after being asked to stop is not acceptable.
      • Representation on a Blog, list-serv, or similar IM comment posting venue, to express strong, misleading, or libelous views, which may or may not represent the views of AMS, its employees and/or affiliated individuals.


          • Any form of vandalism, including but not limited to, damaging computers, computer systems, or networks, and/or disrupting the operation of the network.
          • Creating and/or placing a computer virus on the network, or working in such a manner that may make it easy for a virus to infect the corporate network.
          • Use of the network for financial gain, commercial activity, or illegal activity. (e.g. hacking, spam)
          • Use of the network for political activity.
          • Use of the network to access pornographic or obscene material.
          • Deliberate unauthorized access to facilities, services, or customer networks accessible via the AMS network.
          • Opening of ‘holes’ in the network to provide unauthorized access to other individuals without consent.
          • Use of another person’s account without consent (System Administrators have implicit permission to manage the all aspects of the network which may include account access).


              • Copying and/or downloading commercial software or other material in violation of any local, provincial, state, or federal copyright laws. (e.g. downloading music from non law-abiding websites)


                  • Wasting employee effort or networked resources, including time and the effort of employees involved in the support and maintenance of those systems.
                  • Corrupting or destroying another employee or user’s data.
                  • Violating the privacy of other employees or users.
                  • Disrupting the work of other employees or users.
                  • Using the AMS network in a way that denies network service to other users.
                  • Continuous use of networking software or hardware after AMS has requested that it be removed because it is deemed inappropriate use and/or causes disruption to the correct functioning of the AMS network and its associated computers.
                  • Disabling of any networking corporate software or hardware used to safeguard, monitor and maintain correct functioning of the AMS network and it’s associated computers.

    Access to Outside Networks

    • AMS follows the acceptable use policies of our Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) used by each employee to access the Internet. AMS also regards any breach of their Acceptable Use Policy as unacceptable use.
    • Where the AMS network is being used to access another network (e.g. a client’s network), any breach of the client’s Acceptable Use Policy is regarded as unacceptable use of AMS.

    Withdrawal of Service

    • Where necessary, some service(s) may be withdrawn from the employee where a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy has occurred and/or persists despite appropriate notification.
    • Restoration of service(s) will only be made when AMS is satisfied that a future breach of the Acceptable Use Policy will not occur and/or steps have been taken to correct the item causing unacceptable use.

    Legal and Statutory

    • AMS and its employees perform all best efforts to assist any Authorities where required by law in the investigation of any breach of our network and unauthorized access to our corporate assets by outside individuals and/or organizations.
    • When an internal violation of the Acceptable Use Policy is illegal or unlawful, or results in loss or damage to AMS, its employees and/or affiliated individuals, AMS assets or the assets of third parties accessible via the AMS network, the matter may be referred for legal action and/or termination of employment.

    General Questions

    March 2006 – Does this mean we can not download music?

    (Responded by Doug) If you have an iPod, iTunes or similar tool to store electronic music, then AMS views putting your own personal music on it as an acceptable use and it is up to you to manage their licenses to use your own music.

    March 2006 – What do you mean by “Use of Network for Political Activity”?

    (Responded by Doug) This is a tough question and it really goes to the purpose of the company network. It is primarily for company business and political activity really isn’t that.

    So, for a completely crazy example, imagine somebody setting up a political web site for the Marijuana Party inside the router (AMS Network) that attracted millions of hits a second and overwhelmed things. AMS doesn’t think that would be quite appropriate as it would affect support, phone line quality, etc. It may also have a moral effect on the company.

    Making a donation to a political party via the network - can't see a problem with that - its just a commerce thing.

    Now, on the other hand, it doesn't mean political activity is out of the question. I personally believe that everybody should contribute back to the community in their own way. I choose to volunteer at StoryBook Theatre, my wife chooses to volunteer at school that the kids are at. If you, or someone chooses to volunteer for a political party - that great.

    What the policy also states is that if you think this is a non-work task you want to do - lets say supporting a political campaign and doing e-mailers for them - then the right thing to do is first ask to have permission to use AMS resources for that. It is good for both the employee and AMS. Why? Because then everybody acknowledges that something is happening.

    When I worked at Esso some 20 years back, they had a Permitted Use Policy on company resources. At that time the Internet and email really was nothing - didn't exist. (I sound like a dinosaur). But they did have policies on using company photocopiers. If you wanted to use it for personal things, you were supposed to ask permission. And, people did. My boss was big into the boy scouts - he had permission to do stuff for them, including time off. I was doing Storybook Theatre and I had permission to do the monthly minutes on the photocopier. That way, the boss knew where all his paper was going.

    Acceptable use isn't no – it means acceptable, permitted, or planned use that is reasonable above board and consistent with good company stewardship. I think AMS should be quite happy to support extra curricular activities providing they are not to a detriment to the company’s purpose – provided permission is given. That’s a win for everybody.

    March 2006 – Will I be able to use Personal Software on My Computer?

    (Responded by Darwin) For personal software that is licensed to AMS, yourself and/or affiliated individuals, there should be no problems to install the software and use it on your work or home computer as long as the software’s main purpose is not listed or referred to in the Unacceptable Use section of this policy. With all software purchases, it is best to review the specific software license that came with the software to see if they have any specific licensing requirements when using their software and that you are in compliance with their listed licensing requirements.

    Also, if the software is purchased or downloaded by an employee for personal use, permission should be sought to use it on a company machine. If your personal software does not affect the network, the machines intended use, or contravene the accepted use policy, it will more than likely be approved.