Reimbursement of Expenses

  • The Employee will provide proof of payment for incurred expenses to AMS, before AMS will reimburse the Employee for such expenses.
  • Expense Statements submitted between 15th and end of month will be paid with the next payroll at the 15th. Expense Statements submitted between 1st and 15th of the month may make the 15th. If company travel is heavy, there could be an extra cheque run at the end of the month. Extenuating circumstances may occur if Doug (who has signing authority of the cheques) is ever out of town for a month.
  • The Reimbursement Payment is not late until any deadline is upon us. If this affects any personal financial planning, it is the Employee’s responsibility to make appropriate arrangements. It is best that there is no dependency on early payment from AMS to meet personal financial obligations.
  • For all expenses not submitted to AMS for repayment, and if those expenses are applicable to local and current tax laws, the Employee may claim for such incurred expenses as a valid Employment Expense tax deductions from the Government.