Places of Work


  • The Employee’s place of work will be based out of their personal residence.


Equipment and Supplies

    AMS will pay for telephone, fax, Internet access, and other required office supplies pertinent to the business of AMS.
  • AMS will supply required computers and associated equipment necessary to perform work related duties.
  • Providing the necessary Property and Theft Insurance coverage of AMS company equipment at your home or during your travels, will be the responsibility of AMS. Within reason, all necessary precautions will be taken on behalf of the Employee to safe guard AMS company equipment.


Office Space

  • AMS will not pay for rent, lease, repairs & maintenance, cleaning materials, utilities such as heating and lighting, capital cost allowance, property taxes, house insurance, mortgage interest, or other similar costs to use this portion of their personal residence. AMS will assist the Employee claim for such expenses as a valid tax deduction from the Government.