Backout Process

Prior Public Releases of Theatre Manager are kept on the web site in a 'PriorRelease' folder for that version. In the unlikely event that a current release needs to be backed out, it is fairly easy to do, in effect reversing the release process that is used to put a version in place.

The backout steps are:

Remove current production installers

    Remove the version and file number from the file containing the list of releases on the web site
  • Mark the deployment package the Digital Ocean web site PRIVATE and change the manifest.json file so that deployment will not continue by putting a '-' in front of the venue URL's. Do not remove the venue URL's since the back-out will require knowing who could have downloaded the version.
  • Rename the or TMSetup.exe installer file so that it can only be accessed if the file name is known. This is for internal purposes and restricted access.
  • Edit the release notes on for that version and mark as pending final testing
  • For customers that are using that version:
    • ascertain the impact of continuing to use the version by doing a mini SWAT analysis. (i.e. are they affected by the issue that was discovered, or don't they use that part of the application).
    • If customers need rolled back, they will be instructed to put the older version in place
    • the support team will roll back the database version so that they can use the older version.
  • Assign first priority for development to make any corrections to the code that prompted the backout in the first place for the next developer release.

Create a New Installer

In the case of catastrophic condition, rebuild the previous version and release it as the 'next' point release. In effect, we make the prior release into the future release so that customers can upgrade and roll forward to the future release (which is really a prior release)