
The purpose of support is to provide our customers with 'how to do it' answers and not to 'do it for them. How to answers are generally handled right away by referring to a web page.

General Philosophy

  • Customers are our best source of continuing business and new referrals. They are to be treated with courtesy and respect at all times.
  • All clients are to be treated as equal and will get complete detailed explanations. This is to avoid the cases where some clients who are friendly get chatty responses; some clients get terse responses; some clients get no responses.
  • Have the client assist in duplicating problems that they bring to our attention. Once a problem can be duplicated, or we have received the steps to create the problem, a resolution can be determined.

Time Consuming Issues

Some issues will consume an inordinate amount of time and may or may not be chargeable back to the customers if they are asking us to do something that ordinarily they should be doing. Since the primary purpose of support is provide 'how to' answers, and most of these fall into 'do it for them', you may have to confirm with sales if is it to be charged back or not.

In all cases, time consuming issues are to be done after primary support items are dealt with unless given as a special project.

Examples are:

  • Ticket face coding will be completed during non-busy support times.
  • System balancing will be completed during non-busy support times.
  • Building a new venue map is generally a special project
  • Season subscription setup/training will be completed during non-busy support times. This process may take 1 to 2 hours, so a block of time needs to be set aside.
  • Web support will be completed during non-busy support times - unless it is an emergency and sales will not work