Table Classes (SQL database)

  • All foreign key relationships should be in $buildChildRecordList of the appropriate main table class. E.g. All relationships for the F_CLIENT database table are in the tF_CLIENT table class.
  • All F_APPLICATION replaceable variables (indicated by a ā€˜gā€™ prefix). Should be specified in the $getReplacementSelectNames. Use $getReplacementSelectNames where possible:
    • To avoid setting values in the omnis list - for performance reasons
    • To add functions to replace gVars, especially where there may be multiple parent records to a relationship (eg sold by, changed by, printed by all connect to employee)
    • To obtain key customer data like Primary Phone, email address and other data that varies depending on the outlet (department) of the employee who is logged in. Example: the primary address for patron 1 made be different for outlet A and B
    • In reports so that there is limited record looping in the detail section of report (again for performance)
  • Any validation on a table should be done in $verifyRecord of the main table class for that database table.