Method coding and placement

  • One should avoid, where possible, putting behavior code in events under objects on a window. It is preferred to have a public or private method in the window class that an event calls, rather then putting the code directly under an event. This allows for encapsulated functionality and allows the behavior to be called for other purposes. For example, a button that opens the patron window should have the same code whether it opens from a toolbar button, or a push button -- This would be located in $clickBtnOpenPatronWindow of the class and called from both the push button $event and the toolbar button $event.
  • Avoid writing code in window methods where possible. Window method code should only contain interface and interaction. If and code deals with database, the approach to be used is:
    • to put that code into a table class
    • invoke it from the window class by doing 'do list.$doMyMethod(parameters)'
  • A comment in all methods is essential. At the very least a comment section should include what the method is expected to do based on what inputs.
  • When altering existing code within a method, the developer should put a comment indicating what version the code was altered in as well as the initials of the developer altering it. E.g. ; V90000 DM (Version 9.00.00 [D]avid [M]cKeone)