Class Naming Conventions

Class Type Prefix Notes
Code c
  • rarely used
  • Legacy exceptions for UpgradeRoutines and Common
  • specifically used as a broker between web sales GUI and remote tasks/objects
File f or F
  • any new file classes start with 'f'.
  • Legacy File classes from Omnis Classes start with F_
  • pg for PostgreSQL system tables
Menu m
  • Legacy exceptions for STARTUP
Object o
  • Web listener objects: oWebCom
    Asynchronous objects: oAsync
  • (Exception for Database DAM’s, which must be named the same as the DAM they inherit from.  E.g. PGSQLDAM, FRONTBASEDAM)
Query* q
  • Reports query classes: qr
Remote Task rt  
Report r  
Schema s
  • Generally same as the File class it is based on, just prefixed by 's'
Table* t
  • Reports table classes: tr
Task none
  • there is only one real task in theatre Manager that must be called 'Startup_Task'
Toolbar T_  
Window w
  • Modal message windows: wMsg
  • Windows used for Sub-Window toolbars: ST_
  • Sub-windows used as part of a large complex window should be prefixed with the name of the large window they are part of.  Examples are wReportParam, wSell, wSearchSubWindow, wClient.
  • Windows should end in the suffix 'Detail' or 'List' and follow a similar naming convention to the table class they are based on if they are the standard detail or list window for any given table class. e.g The list and detail window for tfResources is wResourceList and wResource Detail. The list and detail window for tfResourceLink is wResourceLinkList and wResourceLinkDetail.

*Query class names should match the corresponding table class. E.g. tClient and qClient.