Also indicate if this method should never be over-ridden except in rare cases, could be overridden, or should be overridden.
This is one of the most important setup steps when creating new data base fields.
Schemas are to be documented in three places.
First, all database schemas will have a Studio ‘File’ class like the example below. The description in this area is for programmer assistance. It will show as tooltips to describe the field when looking it up for coding purposes.
Most file classes have a corresponding schema class. The schema class is what actually is used to describe the database fields and interact with the database. The field names, types, subtypes, and descriptions should be copied from the file class. This is also for programmer tool-tip quick documentation
Once the file and schema classes have been defined, customer friendly field names are to be placed into the data dictionary. This is accessed off the Developer Menu->Data Dictionary.
Customer friendly descriptions are to be defined, along with a number of other data attributes as follows:
Within the 'oCodetables' class, there are a number of getters that will load up any one of the tables into your object.