Issue Resolution

When an issue comes in, a developer has many steps they go through in solving the problem. While these are not always followed verbatim they should be considered best practices for solving issues.


When first looking at an issue there are a couple of steps that should be taken to validate that it is a real issue, and not a problem with the operation or state of the machine that the application was running on.

Is this the expected behavior?

The first step a developer should go through when faced with a new issue is to validate the issue. Put simply, this is deciding, if given what the user is trying to accomplish, is the software behaving in the way expected. It is typically at this stage that the developer will also do an “its different therefore it’s wrong” check. Given the long adoption cycle for Point Of Sale software, there are issues that will occasionally slip past the Product Management review process in which a user is effectively reporting that because a goal is achieved in a different means from a previous version, it is a bug.

If this is the expected behavior then the issue should be rejected and marked “works as designed”.

At this point the developer may also encounter an issue which works as designed, but the “bug” suggested in the issue is in fact a good idea for a feature that has not been implemented. At this point the developer should contact product management about the possibility of creating a new feature or a Change Request that incorporates the functionality indicated - and then make an entry in FogBugz to begin the change tracking process.

Pre – Testing

If it appears the software is behaving erratically it is important to try and recreate the fault. If the problem cannot be recreated or cannot be supported with logs by the developer or the business partners onsite it is most likely not an issue with the software, but an issue with the state of the platform the software was running on.

If the issue cannot be recreated and there are no logs to support it, the issue should be rejected and marked “can not reproduce”. The customer should be advised to enable auditing and logging for a time to see if the problem persists, and if additional data can be captured.


Once an issue has been validated it is up to the developer to decide if there is enough information to proceed with code changes.

Addressing Security Concerns

As our software deals with sensitive data all changes to the software should always trigger discussion as to the impact of the change on the security of the applications and the data relating to PCI PA-DSS compliance and a worksheet completed if it is determined that the code change may affect sensitive information.

Return for more information

In the case where the developer needs more information to proceed, the issue can be returned to the submitter with a request for more information.

Sent for Design

When the solution for an issue will impact other parts of the application or the overall functionality of the application, the issue can be sent to the design group and marked “needs design”. The developer in most cases should include a summary of what the potential impact is going to be, to avoid having the designer try to replicate the work already done in investigation by the developer. Meetings and discussions with the designer may be needed to ensure clarity of what the issues are.

Technical Specification

When a change to the applications reach the level that a functional design is required then a technical design may also be required.

When to do them?

A technical specification is required for all significant new development. Other issues should be accompanied by a technical specification if the changes the issue required were significant enough to merit a functional design. A technical specification can also be required for other reasons, and your supervisor will advise you if one is required for a given task. A good general guideline is to ask yourself “Is this complex enough that another developer would have difficulty following what is going to be done without a document?”

A technical specification is generally not required for bug fixes.

What goes into them?

There is no written in stone outline of what must go into a technical specification. There is a template for the specification located on the internal share point portal, but that is meant as a starting place. You should include enough detail in your technical specification so that if you were to no longer be available, another developer could successfully implement it.


The template for the technical specification is located on the Artsman file server in the TM Development/TM Design Documents folder and is called AMS Design Template.doc. Documents are to be named ‘yymmdd .doc’ and a history retained in the TM Development/TM Design Documents folder.

Optional elements

The template is meant to be an example or a guideline to the way a technical specification might appear. Sections may be deleted as needed or rearranged as necessary.

Peer Review

Once a technical specification is complete you must have a peer review before implementing the proposed changes. This peer review is not to judge the quality of the developers work, but the quality of the proposed solution as well as its compatibility with other areas of the system. A proposal that might be absolutely perfect for one area can completely destroy functionality in another if it is not compatible.


The peer review need not be in person. Copies of the technical specification can be emailed to participants with revision tracking turned on and then reviewed as they come back one at a time.

Persons involved

A good technical specification review will include other developers that can critique the methods and code that are going to be used. Design and SQA can benefit from the information as well, but are not a required part of the review process.

Security Concerns

Sensitive areas of the application including, but not necessarily limited to, any protected classes should have limited peer review. This review should include the developer and one member of the Architecture team.